Thursday, July 7, 2011

Perrett Park Adventures

Monday we decided to walk to Perrett Park . We took the walking path (from our house to get there and back it took about 2 1/2 hours that day--I would say it was about 10km or more)--this path runs through the entire town, it used to be an old rail road track that's been converted into a walking path

Heathy waiting for his walk---he's happy

This video shows Heathy's happy/excited dance that he performs every time he is about to get a walk

A couple of days after Canada Day

Our Stake Center--yes, it's 2 stories

Another view---the round part is where the chapel is---it's too small for stake conference even with the overflow---the conference speakers are seated on the stage of the gym and people sit on the bleachers and chairs and the conference is transmitted into the chapel on a screen

the other end of the stake center--this is where the cultural center/gym is--there are bleachers due to the amount of members

The path we choose to walk---it was old railroad tracks, converted into a walking path

Play ground that Heathy enjoyed running around and eat all the food and candy that the kids left behind

Looking to the west---you can see the dark blue, that's the mountains

My walking companion

One side of the walking path is farm fields

and on the other side is houses

the yellow green in the field is canola flowers used to make canola oil

A little bridge over a water run off

That's Perrett Park

The water looks like a lake/pond, but it's a man made reservoir

This person was putting a chemical that is similar to tear gas to the east of the reservoir to kill off any weeds that would choke out the water from running down the irrigation canals. Without these irrigation canals many of the farmers wouldn't have water for their crops---many of the canals have been built by the early LDS Saints, right after they were sent up to Southern Alberta by Brigham Young

The blue are dragon fly---there were tons around the reservoir

Wild Alberta Rose bushes

Wild rose

Nature mixed with new technology

I'm not sure what this is meant to be??? Any guesses

Wasn't sure what these were either

On our way back home I thought I was seeing things at first---nope I was seeing people riding horse back down one of the main streets---this is near the Stake Center, and schools

Heathy having fun in the water

Heath drying off

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