Friday, July 22, 2011

Alley Ways and Pigeons 7/17/2011

Today the temp got up to 100 F/ 33 C in the sun, but when the sun went down it got a lot cooler

Now that's what I call country living---doing your laundry outside---I didn't doctor this picture

A rose shadow

This reminded me of my grampa--he used to burn his trash in a garbage can just like this one

Alley speed limit

Love this fence--flags from Canada, England, (I think?) Poland, and USA

Behind this fence were pigeons or all sorts---the owner kindly allowed me to come in and take pictures

This guy wasn't pleased that I was in his pen taking pictures---he kept on yelling at me

Laying on eggs

Baby rabbits too

3 days old baby rabbits

I had no idea how small they would be and so soft

Pigeon egg

The end of the day and our walk

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