Saturday, July 9, 2011

This Week in Pictures 7/5/11-7/9/11

Going backwards with my videos---the first is actually the last video

The snicker doodle---he will not bring the ball back to me 7/9/11

Such vibrant colors---the huge blue sky, the bright green grass and the black dog running
Heathy and me playing ball--the first time the ball went where it was supposed to go, second time the ball went up, over and behind me..oops, and the third time Heathy didn't want to get it, silly pup 7/9/11

I may not have meant to do this, but you certainly see a slice of a rainbow in this video 7/8/11

This day was very windy---you can hear it and see it
This night when Dan went to work (he's working nights right now) his car was rocking so much that he decided to move the car close to the building, he wasn't sure if the car was going to roll over due to the high winds 7/8/11
Found out that this day about 4 hours away from us there was a tornado that struck 7/8/11

Melissa and Heathy working on obedience training---ok I'm not sure which of is being trained here, hhahaha-One of Heathy's favorite toys 7/5/11

Taking a long drink

Focused on the treat

Home made Shishkabobs, yummy!!! Dan made them 7/7/11
You can see Dan (my Sweet Heart) making them here with Heathy as his side kick----well actually that is Heathy watching very carefully to make sure he doesn't miss if Dan drops any food---very focused 7/7/11

Extreme determination---Heathy willing Dan to drop some food

The finished product

Thursday night on our way to Lethbridge for our date 7/7/11

Ice cream for our date, yummy 7/7/11

Dan usually chooses something with fruit in it and I usually choose something in it chocolate

Us flying a kite at midnight for our date. Barely visible---but if you look very carefully you will see a blue small light to the left and reddish light to the right---this is our kite at midnight with glow sticks on the tail and on the back of the kite itself 7/7/11

Friday evening on our walk in the wind 7/8/11

Little slice of a rainbow 7/8/11

Old farming equipment on their lawn

In olden days this would have been attached to a horse that helped to plow up the fields

Tonight's walk 7/9/11

This is an old Elementary School that's right next to the trailer court that we live in---I can see why it's been closed down, it's obvious---they weren't teaching the children how to spell correctly, hahahah, they didn't even know how to spell Elementary--rumors are that this building will be made into housing some time soon

I was really taken by this cloud formation with the white line through it from a plane 

To me the left (would be bottom) looks like the beak and head of a bird, Phoenix, and the body and wings outstretched and the left is the tail 

More farming equipment at a different house

My friend Gudron--very sweet person--I love her smile 7/9/11

Gudron and her husband Ken have beautiful gardens---poppy's


Lavender---my favorite--I just love the smell!!!

These looked kind of like orchids  

Heathy having fun playing ball and rolling in the grass 7/9/11

Moon in the sky around 8:30pm 7/9/11

The soccer field that Heathy and I went to play ball in

The corner street where we live near---the town of Raymond is set up like a graph/grid--East/West/North/South--just like Provo and Salt Lake--not a surprise because the same people who built and designed the town Provo and Salt Lake Utah are the same people who built this town

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