Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sunday's Walk 7/10/2011

Sunday's Walk 7/10/2011

The field right down the road from us, less than 1/4 mile away

The biggest Dandelions that I have ever seen

Calves---I just love them--these guys occasionally when they don't know you're looking romp about

Water for the fields

This  Red Wing Black bird followed Heathy and I for awhile---flying above us and than coming down to a fence post

Way in the back ground you can see some dark blue things---those are the mountains--they're to the west of us

On our way back home from our walk

Again the mountains in the back ground---dark blue touching the sky--where the sky is white looking

Some of the old railroad tracks that we walk down (they are no longer in operation)

The horses across the road from us

This guy was coming to me as I clicked my tongue and whistled--beautiful isn't he

You can see how huge this Dandelion is compared to the fence

You can see how big and blue the sky is in this video

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