Monday, July 4, 2011

Canada Day (July 1 2011)

Canada Day is similar to Independence Day for the US
Parades, picnics, fireworks, Rodeos, and dirt biking----opps
The Rodeo is very particular to this area, Raymond is the first community in Canada to have the Rodeo
Dirt Biking is particular to this area too--up the road a little bit is called Temple Hill and on the top is a place that's all carved out and called Lethbridge (Temple Hill Motorcycle Park) the 11th Annual Western Canadian Amateur Motocross National took place here this year

She's just so stinkin cute!!!

Her sister--adorable

You can tell it's windy by looking at their hair

Heathy enjoying the festivities too

Another sister---these kids are all so cute!!! Heathy loved the attention these little girls gave him.

The second to youngest trying to hold onto Heathy's wagging tail--not an easy task
The Mounties all dressed up for the parade

Right behind the Mounties was the flag and hourses

and more horses

Wagon and horses

You know you live in a small farming community when in the parade you see farming equipment

I teared up when I saw the American Flag

There she waves so proudly

I've seen this woman around town driving her bike

Live playing band---really neat

Ok well this was the police addvertising an open house at the jail----hahahaha---maybe no one else saw the humor in that, but I did and I still do, hahaha

And yet another piece of farming equipment---nice jeep

That's our town

Next town over about 19-21km away

All the children are dressed in different costumes to represent different cultures--they were adorable

The family I stood with--the Harper's--this is the dad trying out his daughters new skate board----he did pretty good, but the little kids all came around to show him how to do it---there are only 2 wheels on that skate board

Starting to fall off

Yes this little girl in her pink Barbie jeep was in the parade with her mom by her side

Heathy did really well until these guys started to play their bagpipes and than well he start to bark with the other dogs

I must confess this was my most favorite float in the parade, hahhaha

On the top is a real boy sitting on a toilet

On the sides and top are plungers with free flowing toilet paper---last year instead of giving out candy during the parade they gave out plungers, no I'm not kidding, and this year they gave out rolls of toilet paper, hahahaha---only in a small town

Here's the family I was with at the parade---see all the candy they got from the parade and yes, there's the toilet paper, hahahaha

Some more Harpers

What's a parade with out the Shriners?

This guy is one of Raymond's fine resident--and yes he was in the parade on his little scooter

More horses

Interesting character

Scouts float---very cool--these guys are sitting at a fire

Scout float on the side and back---side has a yellow kayak and back has a wall climber--kids were doing both things---very cool

Old wagon

Cowboy and cowgirl

I wondered if these horses are the same ones that I took pictures of on my way home from Lathebridge--beautiful!!!

More horses

This building was actually driving in the parade without any thing pulling it---it was the oddest thing that I've seen---a building driving down the street--what will they think of next?

There she is again--the America flag---beautiful

Conspiracy Theory here: That's the dental clinic and on the back of this float/jeep was the tooth fairy in white---she was throwing candy to every one---hmmmhmmmmmakes you just wonder doesn't it? Hahahaha

And yet more horses

These are mini horses

Another live band---I loved the violin playing

More farming equipment

Yep it's part of the parade---I couldn't figure out why though???

The youngest cowboy in the parade--isn't he too cute

Fireman driving a 4 wheeler, now that's something

4Wheelers are big around here

The end of the parade....or is it???

Oh yes, don't forget the obnoxious fan that dresses up goffy and yells things that you can't understand

Garbage can band--pretty cool---kind of like Stomp

Oh now is the end.....or maybe not???
Ok that's funny the street cleaner machine is in the parade, hahaha, maybe due to all of those horses???

The water rescue team---I'm not really sure where they use it, because there isn't much water around here--for pitty sake, we live in the praire

Ah yes this is the end of the parade--that's our Bishop Duce

Some of the Harpers---the tallest was one of my Sunday School students---she is a great kid and are all of her brothers and sisters--great family---extremely cute

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