Thursday, July 21, 2011

Evening Walk Downtown Raymond 7/18/2011

A tour of the downtown dictrict of the little town we live in.

The temperature in the sun was 110 F and 43 C---as evening approached the nice cool breezes from the mountains cooled the evening and made it possible to take a long walk with my pup

On our way down town we went behind the old elementary school to see what we could find

Just me and my Shadow

Mysterious markings all over town

I loved the colors and textures

Down Town Raymond--we have 1 drive-thru

This tree is huge--I'd say about 4 stories high

What's a town without Subway?

Many of the stores down town operate as several things
The road is huge---two way traffic with this big parking are right in the middle of the road

Not much traffic around 9pm

More Mysterious markings

The same building that the alternative school is in is where the Lions Club meets----I found this kind of funny 

 Beautiful color 

Our post office--no one is town has mail delivery directly to their home, but we all have a PO Box--mail can take up to a month coming from the states

There are pretty flowers potted all along down town--even the dog admired them

More markings--I sense some kind of conspiracy here

Second hand store--they are selling their building and moving across the street some time---I just found an 80 cent pattern here for a skirt

This is where you get your fabric, crafts, flowers, gifts, cards, kitchen gadgets, school supplies, candy....

Coffee shop--I've never been in there yet

What's a small LDS town without a quilt shop---in the same shop you can buy a bike

Oh yes the bikes---I just love these, I want one one day

A little far from Broadway--a little play on words since the main street in town is named Broadway

One half is a hair salon and the other side is a small fitness center--too small to have a shower area

Affectionately called The Merc---the Mercantile---very small store, but it has all the basic supplies for a very good meal, including fresh produce---it reminds me of the old Tops Markets back home---there are only 2 cash registers

The roads roll up early down town---the store closes at 6pm some nights and the other stores even sooner

My beloved library----the left half is the library, the right half is town hall (very small) and a theater---this used to be the old Stake Center---beautiful stain glass windows

This plack and tree were put in 1971

The tree is over 3 stories high

In front of the museum

Vetern Memorial in front---names below him are from WWI and WWII

Moving from down town to the community

Now I really think that this would be a very refreshing place to sit in the hot summer---notice the sprinkler---it's hitting the seat

Old farming equipment--this used to be used with a horse attached, in the fields to plow up the dirt

Hmmmm---more markings---these I sense are from the children near by---but maybe not??

The public pool at night--so quiet

I loved the reflextion

Grass around here turns brown if not watered---many people have sprinklers

I have no clue how that got in there, but I found it very interesting

I have walked passed this so many times and every time I giggle so I finally had to get a picture and share the joke---below you will see what it says 

Across the road from the school
I love the colors---some one else might see garbage, but I saw beauty

Mushrooms on the school lawn

School outside walls

Bike Rack

These make the school look like a space craft to me---hmmm, maybe that's where all the mysterious markings are coming from, hmmmm

Another kind of mushroom growing in the lawn of the school

At the school on the front door there is a sign that reads "Parents and Visitors are Welcome"---but where on earth would they park??? Look at all the different parking signs

First to show that I didn't take the picture on a slant, Second--what kind of condition are the staff in if this is what their sign looks like---and by the way there is only one sign in front of one parking space-- makes me wonder where the rest of the staff park

Coming home from our walk we discovered ground sprinklers that were too inviting I guess for my pup---for what he did surprized me and made me laugh so hard 
He ran from one to the next attacking the water----he than ran around in circles--what a complete nut!!!

This is a portait of a naughty wet dog

I personally think he was laughing at it all

Every good day has to come to an end--when it ends this way, it's good!!!----Cool breeze and pretty sunset 
A view from our front porch looking behind us

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